Friday 8 June 2012

Persimmon Tree

Persimmon Tree Biography
Persimmon is a dioecious, deciduous tree growing to 25 ft (7.6 m) high. It has ovate or obovate leaves, 3 in. to 7 in. (7.6-17.8 cm) long that are shiny on top and pubescent beneath. The leaves are borne on pubescent branchlets. Persimmon flowers are yellowish white and 0.75 in. (1.9 cm) long. Staminate (male) flowers have 16 to 24 stamens, while pistillate (female) flowers have eight staminodes. The fruit is classified as a a juicy berry. It is 3.5 in. (8.9 cm) in diameter and variable in shape, with a pale yellow, orange, or red exterior, and with orange flesh. There is an enlarged persistent calyx at its base. Fruits are usually set in clusters.

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Persimmon cultivars 'Fuyu', 'Maru', and 'Hachiya' (Figures 1-6) are grown in Hawaii. The shape of 'Fuyu' fruit is flattened, 'Maru' is rounded, and 'Hachiya' is heart-shaped and pointed at the apex. 'Fuyu' is the most widely planted cultivar in Japan and is noted for its nonastringent fruit, good yield, vigorous upright growth habit, and ease of training. 'Maru' has somewhat brittle branches, and the fruit is astringent, maturing about three weeks earlier than 'Fuyu'. 'Hachiya' fruit is also astringent before softening. These and most other cultivars bear only functionally female flowers (with stamens present but sterile) that without fertilization produce seedless (parthenocarpic) fruit. In Japan, these flowers are sometimes hand-pollinated with pollen from varieties that bear male flowers. Growers there believe that pollination helps to produce better fruit and that parthenocarpic fruit tends to drop prematurely. Handpollination is not practiced in Hawaii.

Persimmon Tree
Persimmon Tree
Persimmon Tree
Persimmon Tree
Persimmon Tree
Persimmon Tree
Persimmon Tree
Persimmon Tree
Giant Fuyu Persimmon Tree
Fuyu Japanese Persimmon Trees

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