Friday 8 June 2012

Bradford Pear Tree

Bradford Pear Tree Biography
The Bradford pear, a common item in our landscape here in middle Tennessee, is sought after for its bright bloom, fast growth, fall color, and classic tight form. Also known for its ability to withstand drought and abuse, it graces many a driveway and house corner. Placed prominently in the landscape, a large healthy Bradford pear can add thousands of dollars to the value of a home.
Bradford pear trees first gained a toehold on the American horticultural scene in the 1950s, when researchers in Maryland noticed an especially promising tree grown from seed collected in China more than a half-century earlier. From there it was hybridized, and rushed into production without field trials. It wasn't until it had matured, installed in the landscape that the problem became obvious.
The Bradford pear grew with quite narrow branch angles, weak by nature.
When a branch angle is wide, the trunk's wood grasps and grows around the limb's wood as they both grow. In a narrow, weak branch angle, the trunk' wood is separated from limb's wood by their respective barks, and so can only press its bark against the limb's bark. This "included bark", precludes the fork strengthening at the rate that the limb grows longer and heavier. This time bomb eventually overpowers the fork, ripping open the trunk. From a valuable asset to a wounded eyesore in a moment, stormy or calm, it is a loss and a pricey mess to clean up. Eventual removal of tree and stump costs even more. Leave it there and decay speeds up the rest of the tree falling apart.
So what do we do, cut them all down and start over with a better tree? By the way, there are pear cultivars that grow with better branch angles. The Redspire, Aristocrat, Chanticleer and Cleveland Select are good quality, long-lived ornamental pears, and worthy of purchasing. But not be too hasty. Proper maintenance can add years to the life expectancy to our investment and our enjoyment of its good qualities.

Bradford Pear Tree
Bradford Pear Tree
Bradford Pear Tree
Bradford Pear Tree
Bradford Pear Tree
Bradford Pear Tree
Bradford Pear Tree
Bradford Pear Tree
Plant A Flowering Bradford Pear Tree
The Four Seasons Of The Bradford Pear

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